Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
I Am Asking You during This 40-Day Time of Fasting, Prayer, and Repentance to Retreat from the Global Stage and Focus Your Attention Personally on Yourselves, Your Family Members, and Your Loved Ones
Messages from Jesus of Nazareth to Ned Dougherty in New York, USA on February 22, 2023

St Rosalie’s Parish Campus, Hampton Bays, New York @ 9:00 am
I come to you today as Jesus of Nazareth on this Day of Remembrance as we begin your six-week journey of fasting, prayer, and repentance, and we prepare for the Final Act of Love during My earthly life as Your Lord and Saviour with My Crucifixion and Death on the Cross for all of the sins of mankind from the beginning to the end of time here on Earth.
As I walked among you 2,000 years ago in My first journey to save all of you from the sins of humanity, I walk with you again in these end times but in Spirit and not in physicality. But I am just as much with you now as I was then. And even more so, for you are approaching the culmination of the End Times for humanity and the fulfillment of the Scriptures whereby the Son of Man makes all things new again! Thanks be to God!
The eternal war of Good versus Evil has never been more obvious to you who are the true powerful prayer warriors of Jesus Christ. Equally so, it has never been more obvious to you that there are many among you who are oblivious to the plight of humanity in these End Times because they have fallen under the evil cloud of the demonic one who dares challenge the Father in Heaven. Know this, that satan’s time is short, and your life is eternal and meant to be enjoyed eternally in the Heavenly Realms along with the Father in Heaven, His Redeeming Son, Your Heavenly Mother, all the Angels and Saints, and all of you, My brothers and sisters, who recognize and revere Me as Your Soul’s Saviour. So be it! Thanks be to God!
You have been warned by the ancient prophets and the modern-day prophets of end times’ events that have already taken place as well as events that are yet to come. These events are already cast in stone, but the power of prayer can still influence, ameliorate, or even cancel the darkest of events before the Great Transformation takes place that will lift all of humanity to a higher and purer state of consciousness and connectedness to the Father in Heaven that will prayerfully lead to a New Heaven and New Earth for all mankind. Thanks be to God!
As you have been previously advised and forewarned by the Messages from Heaven, you are now engaged in a global war of Good versus Evil against satan and his minions. Although you must be constantly vigilant to the threat that satan and his minions pose globally in these end times, I am asking you during this 40-day time of fasting, prayer, and repentance to retreat from the global stage and focus your attention personally on yourselves, your family members, and your loved ones.
Not to retreat from the global war entirely but to retreat to your inner circle of family members and friends during this Lenten period of fasting, prayer, and repentance, for focusing your personal mission on saving the world from satan and his attempts to enslave all of humanity will do little service to your own personal well being if you are not successful in assuring the salvation of souls in your own family, especially the souls of your younger children who are being so easily deceived by the evil one.
Therefore, take this time during this Lenten period to focus particularly on the salvation of your children, your family members, and your friends, for Lent is a time of repentance and renewal for all of humanity. During this time of remembrance of My Final Act of Love for humanity, it is time for you to focus with Love on yourselves and those closest to you.
Message ended 9:35 am
The preceding message is an interior locution received by Ned Dougherty, who attests and represents that he continually receives messages from Jesus, Mary, and St. Michael the Archangel each and every month since the inauguration date of the monthly messages on August 1st, 2005. For more information about Ned Dougherty and to view previous messages, go to:
Published by Mission of Angels Foundation Inc, P. O. Box 58, Southampton, New York 11969-0058 USA
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